Title Length Reduction: The length of the package title has been reduced to less than 65 characters as per the recommendations of the R CRAN revisor.
Improved Author Declaration: Authors, Maintainer, and Contributors are now declared using the Authors@R
field with appropriate roles specified using person()
calls. This enhances clarity and conformity with R standards.
Added \value
to .Rd files for exported methods, explaining the structure and meaning of function results.
Missing \value
tags in spANOVAapp.Rd
and spCrossvalid.Rd
have been rectified.
Preservation of User Settings: Modifications to user options, par, or working directory have been revised. Functions now ensure the restoration of settings using immediate calls of on.exit()
, preventing unintended alterations.
, print
and summary
are no longer imported from spatialreg
, switch from class to inherits.spTukey()
shows the original mean and the spatial filtered mean.
The iterative process take into account the semivariogram parameters in the initial model.
shows a loader when the output is (re)calculating.
The first working version of the package.